Today, for too many younger Canadians, for Millennials and Gen Z, the promise of Canada—that you can build a good middle-class life and do at least as well as your parents, or better—is not being fulfilled. The hurdles are too high. They’re not getting their fair chance.
For Canadians across the country, it’s tough to find a place to call home. And while we are taking bold action to build more homes, faster, improve access to housing, and make homes more affordable, we know there is more to be done. Renters continue to face skyrocketing rents, renovictions, unfair competition, and a shortage of housing options—challenges no renter should have to face alone.
This is not just about protecting renters, it is also about generational fairness—more Millennial and Gen Z are renting today than the generations that came before them. We’re restoring their chance to make progress towards homeownership, and making it easier to rent along the way.

Day 1: Protecting Renters’ Rights and Unlocking Pathways to Homeownership
Today, the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister announced in Vancouver new action we’re taking to protect renters’ rights and unlock pathways for them to become homeowners.
Our plan is about restoring fairness for renters, particularly Millennials and Gen Z who make up the largest share of renters of all age groups. We’re doing this by building more homes faster, making life more affordable, and creating more good jobs, to ensure that hard work helps every generation get ahead.
When it comes to protecting renters and helping young people afford their first home, Pierre Poilievre has no ideas.
See the Prime Minister’s news release for more details.
Our government is making real progress for the middle class and people working hard to join it, as we build an economy that leaves no generation behind.
More Gen Z and Millennials are renting than generations before them. And renters have particularly felt the squeeze with rents skyrocketing across the country.
We’re protecting renters’ rights by:
Launching a new Canadian Renters’ Bill of Rights to protect them from unfair rent hikes, renovictions, and bad landlords.
Creating a new $15 million Tenant Protection Fund so they don’t have to fight landlords alone.
We’re unlocking pathways for renters to become homeowners by helping you get credit for on-time rent payments. This will make it easier to qualify for a mortgage, and even for a lower rate.